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Have any questions?

How do I become a Premier Partner?

Simply contact us to become a Premier Partner.

Do you do special projects?

Yes we do. Let's chat about your special project.

Do you offer demo units?

We offer demo units to Premier Partners.

How long does the installation and deployment take?

Installing the complete SIMPL kit takes a few hours at most. Deployment will then take 1 to 2 weeks. 

How fast can we get access to traffic data?

You can get access to traffic data as soon as the solution is deployed at the intersection.

What types of road users do you detect?

SIMPL algorithm is able to distinguish between cars, trucks, buses, pedestrians and cyclists. We are planning on adding more types of road users to the list in a short future.

Which traffic light controllers do you integrate with?


How accurate is the solution?

The solution provides a 99% accuracy rate on vehicle detection at the stop bar, 95% accuracy rate for advanced detection at 100m behind the stop bar and 99% accuracy in detecting pedestrians crossing the intersection.