Seyond Intersection Management Platform (SIMPL)

SIMPL is a comprehensive LiDAR-based solution that detects all road users to ensure a safer and more efficient traffic flow through the intersection.


LiDAR & AI for Better Detection and Actuation

Seyond Intersection Management Platform (SIMPL) is a comprehensive intersection management solution that uses advanced LiDAR technology and artificial intelligence to accurately detect and analyze the presence, trajectory and speed of all road users at an intersection.

A cost-effective alternative to inductive loops, SIMPL optimizes traffic flow through the intersection and provides cities with real-time multimodal data and analytics.


More precise. More accurate. More convenient.

NEMA Certified

NEMA TS 2-2021 certified FALCON LiDAR sensors ensure reliable and industry-standard performance, providing confidence in safety and durability for all-weather and all-lighting conditions. LiDAR offers the most precise environmental representation, ensuring optimal detection and tracking.

A turn-key ITS solution

Our SIMPL solution kit includes high-resolution long-range LiDAR sensors, a powerful and durable edge processor, and Seyond's perception and actuation software. Our SIMPL system boasts a proven 99% accuracy rate. Additionally, we offer an optional module for in-depth data and analytics.

Easy to install and maintain

SIMPL is a non-intrusive, easy-to-install technology that requires less maintenance than traditional traffic control equipment. We provide all the tools and support needed for installation.

Multimodal & sharable data

SIMPL detects all road users, including vulnerable and non-vulnerable groups. The data can be shared with traffic light controllers and other connected devices or platforms for smart city applications.

Reliable in adverse weather and lighting

Unlike cameras that need good weather and external lighting, LiDAR uses its own light source, making it effective even in rain, fog, and snow.

Privacy safe

LiDAR technology uses laser pulses to create a detailed point cloud of the intersection. It doesn't capture or use biometric data or personal information like facial features and license plates.

Enhanced safety

SIMPL detects vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists, optimizing safety by capturing data on potential collisions, especially in interactions between vulnerable and non-vulnerable road users.

Optimized traffic flow

Integrated into traffic light controllers, our solution enables adaptive signal timing, which reduces congestion, improves traffic flow, enhances intersection safety, and decreases carbon emissions.


A Comprehensive ITS Solution

Seyond's Intersection Management Platform consists of three components:  LiDAR sensors, perception software, and traffic actuation software.  Working together, these components enable unparalleled object detection precision of all road users and optimized traffic actuation.

LiDAR Sensors

Typically, two FALCON LiDAR sensors are installed at opposite corners of the intersection, covering the entire intersection and offering a detection range of up to 100 meters (300 feet) behind each stop-bar. They work effectively in all weather and lighting conditions while ensuring privacy.


Seyond's FALCON LiDAR has passed all NEMA TS 2-2021 tests.

Traffic Perception Software

Seyond's traffic perception software, powered by a powerful and durable edge processor, delivers reliable and accurate fusion of point cloud data from multiple LiDAR sensors into a comprehensive view. It classifies all road users at the intersection, tracking their trajectories and providing detailed data on counts, speed, size, and safety. Our system performs flawlessly in all weather and lighting conditions, ensuring consistent and accurate information to optimize traffic flow and enhance safety.

Actuation Software

Our actuation software offers intuitive tools to create and modify virtual loops effortlessly, allowing users to add or edit loops on the fly without the need for roadwork. It provides simple integration with traffic light controllers, enabling seamless coordination and control of traffic signals based on real-time data. Additionally, the software includes failsafe and backup capabilities, ensuring reliable and continuous operation even in unexpected situations. This flexibility and reliability make it ideal for efficient traffic management.


Product Core Features

SIMPL brings a suite of core features that modernize the way cities monitor and manage intersections:

  • Vehicle Stop Bar Detection
  • Vehicle Advanced Detection (100 m after stop bar)
  • Vulnerable Road Users Detection



Access in-depth data and analytics instantly with Seyond's Data and Analytics add-on module. This add-on module connects directly to the traffic signal controller, supporting ATSPM feedback on the intersection, while simultaneously delivering signal phase commands from pre-programmed timing plans on most traffic controller platforms.

  • Vehicle and VRU Classification and count (cars, buses, trucks, pedestrians, cyclists)
  • Traffic Volume
  • Vehicle Speed Analytics
  • Vehicle Dimensions Analytics
  • Vehicle Trajectory Data


SIMPL Real-Time Traffic Data
SIMPL Hardware at Intersection

All Hardware Supplied

The SIMPL Kit come with all the hardware needed including:

  • LiDAR Sensors
  • Edge Box
  • Mounting Kits
  • Ethernet Switch
  • Power Adaptor

Fully Supported 

Seyond's team is proud to provide support in all areas:

  • Training
  • Client meetings
  • Integration
  • Installation
  • Setup and configuration
  • Maintenance
  • Customer requests
Two Seyond employees talking

See the Seyond's Intersection Management Platform (SIMPL) datasheet

Accuracy Report

Testing the accuracy of SIMPL vs Inductive Loop in Columbia County, Florida

Comparison Article

Comparing Inductive Loops and LiDAR Technology


Ready to see it in action?